News list for " Positive"

The Federal Reserve is being forced to adopt a neutral stance, and there may be no opportunity to cut interest rates at all in the future... Click to view...

The Federal Reserve is being forced to adopt a neutral stance, and there may be no opportunity to cut interest rates at all in the future... Click to view...

2025-02-24 03:28:15
The market lacks signs of bulls actively entering the market, and the bullish pattern is at risk of failure. Analysts believe that while the overall upward trend of gold is unchanged, it has been overextended, and bears may be gathering strength to wait for the "fatal blow" to the bulls

The market lacks signs of bulls actively entering the market, and the bullish pattern is at risk of failure. Analysts believe that while the overall upward trend of gold is unchanged, it has been overextended, and bears may be gathering strength to wait for the "fatal blow" to the bulls

2025-02-21 02:09:33
Warning: Beware of fraud using fake emulators to fake crypto transactions

According to Cointelegraph, fake transaction emulators are becoming an increasingly prominent security risk in the cryptocurrency sector. Scammers create non-existent blockchain transfer records by faking fake interfaces where transactions are completed. Users need to be highly vigilant and must verify the authenticity of transactions through on-chain data.

2025-02-17 04:10:27
Boya Interactive: Earnings are expected to increase by 15-20% in 2024 due to the appreciation of cryptocurrency holdings.

Boya Interactive, a Hong Kong-listed company, released a positive profit announcement, in which it disclosed that it has gained value-added income from digital assets due to its holdings of cryptocurrencies and increased operating income from online games. According to the preliminary assessment of the unaudited general management accounts and the current information obtained by the board of directors, the annual income as of December 31, 2024 is expected to increase by about 15% to 20% compared...

2025-02-17 02:48:44
DeepSeek drives China's stock market up with an influx of money, worth $1.30 trillion

DeepSeek's breakthrough in artificial intelligence is helping to drive money back from Indian equities to Chinese equities. Hedge funds are flooding into Chinese equities at the fastest pace in months, compared with record outflows from India amid concerns about slowing economic growth. In the past month, the total value of China's onshore and offshore stock markets has increased by more than $1.30 trillion due to capital reallocation, while the value of the Indian market has decreased by more t...

2025-02-16 03:24:37
BscScan: Unscheduled maintenance is underway, block data is not up to date

BNB Smart Chain browser BscScan said last night that it is undergoing unscheduled maintenance and the block data is not up to date. The reason is that there is a problem with the database service, and its engineering team is working hard to restore it. The page shows that BscScan has suspended block data updates for about 12 hours.

2025-02-14 02:14:02
Liquity V2 stability pool may have potential problems, the team recommends that users close their positions

The Liquity team released an announcement on X, saying that it is investigating possible issues with Liquity V2 Stability Pools and advising users to close their stability pool positions as soon as possible to avoid risks. The team said that BOLD's withdrawal and LQTY pledge positions have not been affected. The current protocol is still operating normally, and no user damage has been found.

2025-02-12 18:33:17
Avalon Labs has announced that it will apply to the US SEC for the first bitcoin debt listing fund

On February 12, according to Cointelegraph, Avalon Labs announced that it is actively exploring the application to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) for the industry's first Bitcoin collateralized debt listed fund to promote the compliance and popularization of Bitcoin financial products. This move is expected to lower the threshold for Bitcoin financial products to enter the mass market and provide a new path for the crypto industry to move towards the mainstream financial system. It is ...

2025-02-12 07:14:26
The 15-minute chart of the order flow shows that the gold outstanding short order bet is gradually moving down, which means... Click to view the latest changes in the order flow > >

The 15-minute chart of the order flow shows that the gold outstanding short order bet is gradually moving down, which means... Click to view the latest changes in the order flow > >

2025-02-11 13:20:59
U.S. foundations and university endowments are increasing their investment in cryptocurrencies

According to the FT, US foundations and university endowments are ramping up their investment in cryptocurrencies, which, despite their volatility, have far outperformed other asset classes over the past five years, with many who had been sitting on the sidelines now jumping in, fearing they would miss out on a price rise.

2025-02-09 12:53:33
1. The U.S. FDIC is reassessing its regulation of cryptocurrency activities, and the original regulatory warning has been removed. 2. Citi: Crypto in the long run...

1. The US FDIC is reassessing its regulation of cryptocurrency activity, and the original regulatory warning has been removed. 2. Citi: The correlation between the crypto market and the stock market will weaken in the long run. 3. Standard Chartered predicts that bitcoin will rise to $500,000 during Trump's term. 4. Bloomberg Analyst: BlackRock may launch a bitcoin ETF in Europe. 5. New Mexico Senator submits a strategic bitcoin reserve bill. 6. CME Group: The average daily trading volume of mic...

2025-02-06 02:52:12
Market News: PumpFun is subject to a class-action lawsuit, accused of violating U.S. securities laws

According to market news, PumpFun is facing a class-action lawsuit, with plaintiffs accusing the platform of violating US securities laws and claiming that all tokens created through its "Meme Factory" are securities.

2025-01-30 22:41:23
Meta plans to launch "Oakley" smart glasses and explore smartwatch and headset development

Meta is working on upgrading its popular smart glasses and is exploring new wearable devices, such as watches and headphones with cameras, with the aim of embedding its artificial intelligence capabilities in more products. The effort includes the development of Oakley-branded smart glasses for athletes this year, according to people familiar with the matter. Meta's device division, Reality Labs, also plans to release new high-end glasses with built-in displays in 2025, the people said. The peop...

2025-01-21 20:31:42
The 15-minute chart of the order flow shows that gold is fluctuating around this short-term POC, pay attention to the up and down choices... Click to view the latest changes in the order flow > >

The 15-minute chart of the order flow shows that gold is fluctuating around this short-term POC, pay attention to the up and down choices... Click to view the latest changes in the order flow > >

2025-01-14 03:49:18
Bitcoin mining difficulty has reached an all-time high, marking the eighth consecutive positive adjustment

On January 13, it was reported that the difficulty of bitcoin mining ushered in the eighth consecutive positive adjustment, setting a record high of 110.45T, indicating that the current mining difficulty is about 110.45 trillion times that of the bitcoin genesis block. The bitcoin network adjusts the difficulty every 2016 blocks to maintain the average block size every 10 minutes. This is another consecutive positive correction following the 2018 bear market and the 2021 bull market. China banne...

2025-01-13 11:08:01

7x24 Newsflash

08:48 2025-03-14
08:45 2025-03-14
Matrixport:全球流动性改善,但 Meme 币市场仍未显复苏迹象,比特币风险依然存在
3月14日消息,Matrixport 报告披露,尽管近期美元走弱推动全球流动性指标回升,通胀数据也略有改善,但加密货币市场中的模因币板块仍表现低迷,未显复苏迹象。 报告指出,山寨币市场在 2024 年 12 月初达到顶峰后开始下滑,模因币泡沫在今年 1 月破裂,导致加密货币市场总市值从 3.6 万亿美元减少至 2.6 万亿美元。 基于 Solana 的 P...
08:39 2025-03-14
08:38 2025-03-14
08:37 2025-03-14
08:36 2025-03-14
08:35 2025-03-14
08:32 2025-03-14
08:27 2025-03-14
Zhu Su 指控 FTX 在 2022 年 5 月未经授权出售其资产
三箭资本联合创始人Zhu Su 在 X 发文表示,FTX 交易所在 2022 年 5 月未经授权将三箭资本存放在该平台的大量加密货币兑换成美元。 Zhu Su 强调这些资产并非"借给" FTX,该交易所无权处置这些资金。Zhu Su还表示不应该赦免 Sam Bankman-Fried(SBF),并呼吁将其监禁 250 年。
08:23 2025-03-14
08:21 2025-03-14 获迪拜 VARA 颁发的许可证 于今日获得迪拜虚拟资产监管局(VARA)颁发的有限许可证,允许其在阿联酋提供衍生品交易服务。 此许可将使 能够在区域市场推出期货合约、永续互换合约和差价合约(CFD)等衍生品产品。公司计划首先向全球合格机构开放这些产品,随后将向合格投资者提供服务。该许可还为 零售用户提供美元法币通道,用户可通过渣打银行进行美元存取款。
08:19 2025-03-14
港股收评:恒指强势回升盘中一度涨逾600点 内险、医药股表现亮眼